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Our housing consultation services are designed to provide individuals and families with the support they need to secure stable and suitable housing. We understand the importance of personalized assistance and are dedicated to helping you achieve your housing goals.


Benefits of Our Consultation Services:

- Assistance with Identification Documents: We help you obtain necessary identification documents to ensure your eligibility for housing and other services.
- Referrals to Additional Resources: We connect you with a wide range of resources, including SSI advocates, employment counselors, waivered services, food shelves, and more.
- Personalized Assessment: Our consultations provide a comprehensive understanding of your strengths, needs, and desires related to housing, ensuring a tailored approach to your situation.
- Focused on the Individual: We prioritize your unique circumstances and goals, providing you with the opportunity to actively participate in creating your Housing Stabilization Plan.
- Community Reintegration: Our services support your reintegration into the community, offering guidance and assistance to help you thrive in your new housing environment.
- Enhanced Well-being: By identifying necessary improvements and assistance, we work together to enhance your overall well-being in relation to housing.

To be eligible for our services, all clients must have completed professional education (PSON), valid identification, and a social security card. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to guiding you through every step of the process, ensuring you find the best provider to meet your housing needs.

Experience the benefits of our housing consultation services and take the first step towards securing stable and supportive housing today.


Here are some more eligibility criteria for receiving services:


- Age 18 or older
- Enrolled on the Brain Injury (BI), Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI), Community Alternative Care (CAC), or Developmental Disabilities (DD) waiver, or reasonably expected to enroll within 180 days
- Moving from an eligible setting to their own home or an integrated community supports setting
- Moving to a setting where these items and expenses are not normally furnished
  - Not able to access transitional services from other funding sources (e.g., community nonprofit organizations)
- Covered through Brain Injury (BI), Community Alternative Care (CAC), Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI), Developmental Disabilities (DD), Essential Community Supports (ECS), and Elderly Waiver (EW) programs
- Criteria must be approved by the Department of Human Services (DHS)

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